2024/04/27 Asaka Music Fes (★large event)

Would you like to enjoy meeting new friends while being surrounded by the sound of music?
Asaka Music Fes is a music event organized by Oak House, a share house management company that advocates a way of life with social interaction under the motto "enjoy living".
This time, you can enjoy music at the venue from 14:00 to 18:00.
There will be performances by guest DJs and piano music.

★Special site
List of Performance and Art Exhibitors

Event Summary

Event Name: Asaka Music Fes
Activities:Music (DJ performance, Piano performance), Art Exhibitions、Food, Drink, Flea Market
Date & Time: April 27 (Sat) 14:00 - 18:00
Venue: Appartement Asaka
Address :5-7-2 Mizonuma, Asaka-shi, Saitama
Map :https://goo.gl/maps/vm5WZJ4vbYDszvUx5

Tobu Tojo Line "Asaka Station" 17 min. walk
Tobu Tojo Line "Asakadai Station" 20 min. walk

Participation fee:
1,000 yen (including drink and food)

14:00  イベントスタートEvent start
14:00 - 15:30 DJ Performance ①
15:30 - 16:00 DJ Performance②
16:00 - 16:30 休憩 / break
16:30 - 16:45 Piano Performance
17:00 - 17:15 Song Performance
17:15 - 18:00 DJ Performance ③
18:00  イベント終了 Event ends

Takoyaki (octopus dumplings), takikomi-gohan (steamed rice), pork miso soup, Japanese snacks

How to apply:
Please apply through the Oak House application.

(Step 1) Download the Oak House App

(Step 2) Login to the app with the email address and password you registered as an Oak House member.
(If you have not yet registered for a free membership, click here: https://www.oakhouse.jp/eng/om/register )

Event → "Asaka Music Fes" → click the "Join" button to complete your reservation!

・The event will be photographed and posted on the official SNS. Please note that we will take pictures of the event and post them on the official SNS.
・Reward tickets for those who applied through the Oak House App by April 7 were sent via email on April 11.

【Wanted】We are looking for people who can help us make the event a success together! Please feel free to contact us!
(Applications will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.)

(1)Flea market stalls
Benefit: Free event participation fee
Details: https://forms.gle/5fkBZ6DwaLaEWNJU7

*Applications for volunteer staff,performance appearances and Art Exhibitors have been closed due to capacity limitations.

Jour de l'évènement 2024/04/27
Horaire 14:00-18:00
Frais ¥1,000
Organisateur オークハウス大野
Profil de l'organisateur


Demande de participation via l'application de Oakhouse
Qu'est-ce que l'application de Oak House ?

Résidences vues récemment



