




2023/10/15 Appartement Asaka Completion Preview!

【Newly opened property preview!】
We will be holding a preview of Appartement Asaka, a large OAKHOUSE property that just opened in September!

Although it is a share house, Appartement Asaka has private rooms with running water to ensure privacy, and is fully equipped with shared facilities, making it a great choice for those who want to enjoy both their own time and the company of their house mates.

The rooms are now gradually filling up with reservations.
The earlier you book the better position, so if you are at all interested, please come as soon as possible!

Light refreshments will be served after the preview, if you would like to join us.

【October 15 (Sun.)】
13:30 Reception start
14:00 House viewing Tour Start (showing common areas and private rooms, explaining about the contract, etc.)
16:00 Light Meal Party
17:00 Dismissal

Date & Time: October 15 (Sun.)
       Gathering 13:30-14:00,
       Preview session from 14:00
*Please be sure to arrive by 14:00 as the preview starts at 14:00.
Property:Appartement Asaka
Address:5-7-2 Mizonuma, Asaka-shi, Saitama 351-0023
★It is about 20 minutes walk from the station, so please arrive at Asaka station by 13:30,Please come directly to the property.

Access:19-minute walk from Asaka Station on the Tobu Tojo Line
     22-minute walk from Asakadai Station on the Tobu Tojo Line
2 minutes walk from Mizonuma-zaka-shita bus stop of Tobu Bus

<How to apply for a preview>
Please apply from either ★① or ②.

①Oak House official application
⇨Event List → Appartement Asaka Preview → Click the "Join" button to complete your reservation!

②Google Form

Please note that the start time may change depending on the number of people attending on the day of the event. Please note that the start time may change depending on the number of people attending.
Reservations for private rooms are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, please consider making a reservation as early as possible, as in some cases the desired room may not be available.

活動日期 2023/10/15
活動時間 14:00~16:00
物件 公寓 朝霞
費用 ¥0
组织者 タツヤ
