2 houses with 6rooms in
Sotetsu-Izumino line


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Rooms for rent in Sotetsu-Izumino line

Rental market price in Sotetsu-Izumino line

Share House Average ¥0
Apartment Average ¥52,185

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Railway Overview

The Sotetsu Izumino line is operated by Sagami Railway, connecting Futamatagawa station in Yokohama, Kanagawa to Shonandai station in Fujisawa city. It is made up of 8 stations, and has local and express services. The limited express only stops at Futamatagawa, Izumino, and Shonandai, making it great for commuters. Though there are no set plans yet, there have been discussions to expand service to Hiratsuka city, which would increase the convenience. The areas along this line have seen recent development, especially the expansion around Futamatagawa. They also regularly review the train diagrams and have made 4 changes since 2010. From Futamatagawa you can change to the Sotetsu Main line, and from Shonandai you can change to the Odakyu Enoshima or Yokohama Blue lines. The the line is not particularly large, it still has a lot to offer.

Places to see

The areas along the Sotetsu Izumino line do not have any mega-famous sightseeing spots, but there is still plenty to recommend. Around Futamatagawa there is Alcott Futamatagawa and the Kodomo Natural Park, so you can shop and enjoy nature on the weekends. Around Minami-Makigahara station, there is the newly-opened Kashiwacho Shimin no Mori Park, and Kodomo Natural Park is still nearby, so families often visit to enjoy the atmosphere. Shonandai is near Shonandai Park and Engyo Park, as well as the Shonandai Culture Center and the Fujisawa City Akibadai Culture Gymnasium. Take a walk and you can get to the Sakaigawa Yusuichi Park, where you can see many birds and plants. There are plenty of places to spend quiet leisure time.


Though the Izumino line is small with just 8 stations, they all have laid-back lifestyles. Liveable and convenient towns lie out this way. To the south you can find beautiful views of the ocean from the beaches of Shonan. The areas along this way have grown more popular as its image has changed to one of high status. It has a charm different than that of Tokyo, or even Yokohama. Rental properties are increasing, and with them the convenience of the towns.

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