3 houses with 3rooms in
Nippori Toneri liner

The Nippori Toneri Liner runs from Nippori station in Arakawa ward Tokyo to Minumadai shinsuikoen station in Adachi ward.


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Rooms for rent in Nippori Toneri liner

Rental market price in Nippori Toneri liner

Share House Average ¥64,346
Apartment Average ¥80,750

Tenant demographic graph of Nippori Toneri liner

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Railway Overview

The Nippori Toneri Liner began operation in 2008. Before, there was a bus that ran the same route, but this line was created to alleviate traffic congestion. There are 13 stations, and all run in Arakawa and Adachi wards. It is relatively short, running only 9.7 km, but it is an important route for local traffic. Among the 13 stations, two of them connect to the Yamanote line (Nippori and Nishi-Noppori), and 1 other station (Kumanomae) connects to the Toden Arakawa line.
The stops along the line are convenient for daily shopping or hospital visits, and it is an important local line. Rent prices are not too expensive, so this is a recommended area for keeping costs down.

Places to see

Near Nippori station is the Yanaka Ginza shopping street. It is famous around the country as it has been featured in many media, and just walking around you can feel the old down-town Tokyo style, even though it is in central Tokyo. You can find sweets, general goods, daily necessities, fashion, and more, like fresh fish, meat, and vegetables. It is a popular place with a retro feel, so people come to visit from all over.
Near Minumadai shinsuikoen station is the Toneri Hikawa Shrine, which has an 800-year history, with its famous carvings in the main hall. The shrine is dedicated to Susanoo, and people come to pray for protection from calamity and also for good fortune.


The line runs outside the main metropolis, so there are many livable and affordable places with cheap supermarkets nearby. There are also convenience stores and drug stores, and plenty to eat and drink. It's a great place to live if you want an affordable and nostalgic experience while also commuting to work or school There are many shopping streets near the stations with much variety. Plus with access to the Yamanote line on 2 of the stations, you can go anywhere else in Tokyo.
From the Nippori Toneri liner you are also close to Saitama or Chiba, which can also be enjoyable outings.

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