The best deals on Musashi NittaStation living
A list of share houses and apartments in Tokyo, Musashi NittaStation. Also by rent market price, gender, age, and nationality. You can also look for women-only houses, rent price, vacancy information, room size, and other search options.
7houses found!
Recommended houses
Ruore Ikegami
8 Ikegami, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Move in conditions:
Female Male
- No furnitures and appliances
- Minimum contract period: 1 year
- No Key Money
- No security deposit
- No Guarantee Deposit
- No guarantor
- Foreign Residents Allowed
Bicycle parking
Scooter and motorcycle parking
Delivery box
Private room property with basin area
¥130,000 - ¥135,000 Vacancy
Regalia Shimomaruko
1 Shimomaruko, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Move in conditions:
Female Male
- No furnitures and appliances
- Minimum contract period: 1 year
- No Guarantee Deposit
- No guarantor
Private room property with basin area
¥77,000 - ¥77,000 Vacancy soon
Alicia Court Tamagawa
3 Yaguchi, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Move in conditions:
Female Male
- No furnitures and appliances
- Minimum contract period: 1 year
- No Guarantee Deposit
- No guarantor
Bicycle parking
Scooter and motorcycle parking
Delivery box
Private room property with basin area
¥84,000 - ¥85,000
Musashi Nitta × Apartment
Apartments to rent from 1 month
Regalia Shimomaruko
1 Shimomaruko, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Move in conditions:
Female Male
- No furnitures and appliances
- Minimum contract period: 1 year
- No Guarantee Deposit
- No guarantor
Private room property with basin area
¥77,000 - ¥77,000 Vacancy soon
Ruore Ikegami
8 Ikegami, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Move in conditions:
Female Male
- No furnitures and appliances
- Minimum contract period: 1 year
- No Key Money
- No security deposit
- No Guarantee Deposit
- No guarantor
- Foreign Residents Allowed
Bicycle parking
Scooter and motorcycle parking
Delivery box
Private room property with basin area
¥130,000 - ¥135,000 Vacancy
Nikko Palace Tamagawa
2 Yaguchi, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Move in conditions:
Female Male
- No furnitures and appliances
- Minimum contract period: 1 year
- No Guarantee Deposit
- No guarantor
- Foreign Residents Allowed
¥60,000 - ¥60,000
Area information of Musashi NittaStation
Station overview
Musashi Nitta station is in Ota ward in Tokyo, along the Tokyu Tamagawa line. It opened in 1923, and takes its name from the nearby Nitta Shrine. Trains from platform 1 head toward Kamata, while platform 2 trains go toward the Tamagawa area. Both platforms are in different areas so you need to be aware when entering the station. Average daily ridership is 27,000, which is not that high for a station in the 23 Tokyo wards, and it feels somewhat like a countryside local station.
Places to see
Near Musashi Nitta station are the Musashi Nitta shopping street, and Nitta Shrine.
The Musashi Nitta shopping street spreads out from the former Kamakura street, with around 170 shops and stalls, ranging from daily goods, cafes, restaurants, izakaya, pre-packaged meals, clothing, dry cleaning, salons, and pretty much everything you need. It is divided up until 4 distinct zones, which hints at its large scale.
Nitta Shrine is dedicated to Nitta Yoshioki, a samurai from the medieval period 660 years ago, and is often visited by locals as it has a deep connection to the area.
Musashi Nitta station has the large Musashi Nitta shopping street, so you can conveniently find all sorts of things you will need day to day. Outside the shopping street you can find safe and quiet residential neighborhoods. By taking the Keihin Tohoku line from Kamata station you can get to business areas like Shinagawa and Tokyo, or take the Meguro or Toyoko line from Tamagawa station to get to Meguro and Shibuya, or other areas in Tokyo. You can also easily walk to the Tama river area to find a spot of nature rare in the 23 Tokyo wards, and enjoy a relaxing lifestyle.
Rent for Musashi NittaStation
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