




2019/09/11 Take a trip with cheap price!

Get great deals on both domestic and international flights! Learn the merits and demerics of low cost carriers, discover convenient smartphone apps, learn how to better enjoy your trips, and find out the newest services you can use for domestic JAL and ANA flights. You are welcome to come the day-of as well, so we hope you will RSVP and join us!
This event is free for residents of Social Residence Nishi-Kasai.

Lecturer profile

President of Okita office (established 2001 in Hiroshima)
Presidence of Kita-Kyushu Mac Users Group (from 2008)
Okita office moved from Horishima to Kita-Kyushu in 2001.
Lectures at IT and other seminars, and also repairs computers.

Born 1974 in Shimane prefecture (age 45)
From first year of high school, used the Seishun 18 ticket to travel around the country.
In 2005, finally visited every prefecture in Japan.
Train fan, and president of Ishimigawa Railway Research group established 2004.

Began traveling overseas from time at university, first spending 2 weeks in Germany, and created seminar schedule.
Honeymooned in Manila and Taipei in 2008, which started a love for Asia. Since 2010, travels to various Asian countries 3 to 4 times a year, going to international exhibitions and showing IT-related products at trade fairs, skillfully using the internet and LCCs to build up a knowledge database of travel.

★Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2019
★Time: 19:00~20:30
★Place: Social Residence Nishi-Kasai lounge
★Fee: 1,000 yen (free for residents of Social Residence Nishi-Kasai)

Event date 2019/09/11
Time 19:00
Fee ¥1,000
Organizer さこう
Sponsor profile

Oakhouse Co., Ltd.

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