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Work and life in Japan

There are many place so far that I`ve been to in Japan and one place outside of Japan in the past year.  Most of the places I go are part of work, but sometimes its enjoyable and intersting to see so many different little towns.  Some of them; although different looking, remind me of my hometown.  I`ve started seriously studying Japanese as of this past November or December and I still have a very long way to go, but I think I might be finally scratching the surface of this language and the culture.  There`s so much to find out and study while working so it keeps me very busy everyday.  I`m still very curious about how things are going to turn out for me here because currently I am teaching English for a fairly big company, but I am also looking to start my own company someday, but I`m not sure when yet.

The last few months have been really strange

The  past fews months have been very strange regarding the weather here.  Its been raining, snowing and sometimes very hot.  At times I thought I was back in Canada in the winter, but then I look around just to confirm and its Japan.  I love hot weather and don`t mind the summers here.  I was in Japan 3 years ago in the winter and it was warm so I guess I expecting that this time, but its a little different.  Its sometimes colder than Canada in certain areas and sometimes its the same temperature.  Hopefully the weather will get hotter soon.

My first year in Japan

Well, I`ve been in Japan for just over a year now and I believe its been one of the best years I`ve spent in my life.  I really love working and living in Japan and look forward to continuing doing what I`m doing because I now have a work visa for an additional 3 years.  Working here is not bad, actually its good, but what really tires me out is the constant travelling on crowded trains.  I love the work because I`m a teacher and its something that I`ve always wanted to do.  I will write some more later, but its getting late and I have to teach tomorrow as well.