月別アーカイブ: 2015年3月

January 4


Valentine Cake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn’t it pretty ?????????

Wish all my American fellows can see and taste this. ><


Received this from my 先輩 at work !

She is sooooo sweet ! Every year she never forgets us. ><



In Shidax Karaoke, very very delicious menu が存在する。

This is a little sweet, but many good things on the menu. ><


January 3


Starbucks has this seasonal Sakura drink.

Color so pretty just cannot resist after finishing the American Embassy errand.

um … Too sweet with cameral, an ingredient that never interest me.

Guess next time will stick with 抹茶 Frappuccino.

oh oh, just checked the USA Starbucks site.

Starbucks also provide 抹茶 Frappuccino in America?! What have I missed …






January 2


Got a cold, cannot get better.

Went to the clinic nearby and it was such a beautiful one.

Inside has many decorations and this is one of them. So nice.

How can this clinic in 六本木 be in such a good location and still charge so little?



久しぶりの Othello.

Feel so good winning the computer.






January 1



久しぶりの大戸屋。Yes I think I have enough of this restaurant.

Not because it is not good, just do not feel like it anyway.

And tired of sitting so close to おじさん。




久しぶりの steak and hamburg.

Nothing compare to the real deal in Gusto though. 残念。

Gusto’s ordering steak then comes with salad bar, that is THE BEST.

Taste so much better.