月別アーカイブ: 2012年12月

Christmas 2012 ☆

ok, this time, no photo.

reason is, i tried soooooo many times to upload new photos but i guess one of the iphone updates allow the photos taken to be a LOT more high res. than before, and … they cannot be uploaded because over 2M って!


how sad, there are sooooo many good photos i got recently!

oh well.

yesterday was Christmas, it was probably one of the best ever, reason is, even though i cannot be with the boys that i have interests in and be all romantic, i did get to spend the day with funny nice-looking buddies. haha.

it is SOOO much better than i thought …

however, the sad thing is, looks like one of my encounters is about to end … is he mad? he did not even 早くsay thank you when he received the things and did not even read the mails for the whole day, which is … unusual, for the very first time.

but i guess there is always first time for something you do not quite want … hope he will change his mind …

but it is such a blessing the other is going well … ^^

the bonus of yesterday late night !!!!

Apple life begins again …

Computer already 10 years old, but due to being SOOOO darn poor, could not buy. Then one day, the recalled ipod exploded, lucky i did not get hurt and did not hurt my computer.

but turns out i can get a replace, a new ipod nano.

and i got to pick the color, my fav. orange!

and since the new nano only work with NEW computer …

and APPLE gave me a 9000 yen coupon … to get a new computer ..

Under all these circumstances, how can you NOT get a computer?






Thank you for treating …

As hard to believe as it may seem, the following meal is from a place close to where i work, just right cross the street.

The photos might be nice and the taste is great, too, but GEEZ the 量 is sooooo small ~ !!!!!!!

I did not go there because i wanted to try expensive food, i went because my co-worker invited me and she actually … paid for it … so expensive, over 1000 yen, but so sweet of her.

Probably because she knows how low my salary is, since she is the head of the PR Dept. and she then decided to treat me lunch as 先輩、haha.





How are you ?

This month, SOOOOOOOO many things happened, every day new encounters, non-stop back and forth mails, some fail, some succeeds, what will the result be, no one knows ….. just hope it will not be cruel …..

How are you doing everyday? Will you continue to appear in my life? or you only be here for a short while ….. ?





New Relax Bear store in Harajuku.

This is not the first time i went, but it never bores me.

Consequences of Momiji

The downside of the changing season, for me, is all the dust in the air. It’s windy and dry, so things are kicking up more than usual; and the leaves are dying and being thoroughly pulverized underfoot, so there’s more dust to go around. Protect myself as I might from colds (wash your hands! especially after getting off the train!), there’s no escaping allergies. But for now the sneezing is worth it to go enjoy the bright blue sky and the colorful trees.


The autumn colors have begun in Tokyo, but at the rate the leaves are falling they may be over soon. Have you had a chance to go out and see them? Ueno Park is a good go-to, as is the loop around the Imperial Palace and inside the Imperial Palace Gardens. In a few more days the trees all along the walk to Yasukuni Shrine will have turned, too. Grab your mittens and catch the colorful display before it’s gone.