月別アーカイブ: 2009年2月

Ume Trees in Mito-Kairukoen

The pink ume (plum) trees are in full bloom in Mito-Kairukoen and they are so beautiful. If anyone is tired of winter and would like to feel closer to spring can go to Mito to enjoy these cute pink trees and can even buy several fallen branches to take home for a little spring fest of your own in your house. Spring is around the corner but as the cold days of winter are dragging on it might be a nice get away for most of us to refresh and enjoy some colour during the dull winter season.

Shopping in Tokyo

Although I really don’t enjoy shopping, recently I realized how valuable shopping in Tokyo can be. I was looking for a pair of spring shoes with a friend of mine and we went through a dozen of shoe shops. I was so tired but I noticed that shoes that are made in Japan have a unique style and excellent quality. I never used to check where a shoe was made as long as it was the right style and comfort until I bought a pair of shoes that are made in Japan, which I have been wearing for the past 4 years, still with the same comfort. It’s true that we always have to pay a little more in Tokyo but we are also paying for a great quality that comes with that price. Enjoy your quality shopping in Tokyo everyone, you can’t find it everywhere!