月別アーカイブ: 2011年1月


A couple posts back I mentioned my one year anniversary of living at Oakhouse Nishi-Tokyo.  Well, another one year anniversary has passed as well.  Shortly after I moved to Nishi-Tokyo, I met my current boyfriend and he recently surprised me with a small bouquet of flowers to celebrate the first day we met.  I was pleasantly surprised as I was concentrating on the one year anniversary of us becoming official rather than the day we met… and people say Japanese guys aren’t romantic!  I happily disagree!

Since that fateful day, five more couples have been born at Nishi-Tokyo and from what I can tell all couples are still going strong.  Five couples in one year is not a bad ratio at all.  There seems to be something in the air… besides the shower smell!  I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the relationships between all the housemates are really close.  After all, good things seems to happen when good people are around.

I wonder who will be next?

Happy Anniversary, Y!!!
