月別アーカイブ: 2012年5月

Spices in Japan

Foreigners looking to cook in Japan may find the spice rack at their local grocery woefully lacking. A few aisles over you can choose between ten kinds of soy sauce, but if you want to find cumin it’s hit or miss. It makes sense, of course: Japanese food relies on a few staple flavors, while the whole of the rest of the world’s cooking offers much more variety. I couldn’t find mirin in most American grocery stores, so I wouldn’t expect to find anything outside the basics in Japan.

That said, there are some places you can pick up the lesser-used spices in Tokyo, even where you might not expect. Online stores are a given, though for me that requires way too much forward planning. I prefer to hit up the nearby department store Tokyu Hands, which boasts a surprising array of reasonably-priced (300-400 yen) bottles of spices and a decent selection of extracts in their kitchen section. MUJI and LOFT have food/kitchen sections, too, though I haven’t had consistent luck at either, so your mileage may vary too. Hanamasa, a restaurant wholesaler with a distinct yellow-and-black cow’s head sign, also has bottles of foreign spices–Thai, Chinese, Indian, and Korean at the one near me–in super size, if you’re going to need a lot of turmeric. Basement groceries at department stores, which are fancy pants and therefore have an aisle or two of foreign foods, are good spots to poke around too.

Happy cooking!

Golden Week BBQ @Machida Garden

It was nothing short of a miracle that it did not rain on the day we decided to BBQ!


It was a warm spring night with cicadas buzzing around…


On the menu:

Chicken, fish, grilled eggplant and sweet potato, yakisoba with grilled bananas & chocolate for dessert.


Thanks Emma, Masa, Take and Toshiki for a great evening!


Next: Taco Party on Saturday, May 12th!!


Rice Cooker Magic

I like cooking, but life doesn’t always like to give me time to cook. I’m also a poor student, so frequent conbini meals are out of the question. Thankfully, my house’s trusty rice cooker has saved me more times than I can count with quick, easy, cheap meals. Two of my favorites:

Measure out your rice and water. Cut up a sweet potato, first lengthwise in half then into half-inch thick half-circles, and toss it in with the rice. Cook on normal setting. When it’s done, mix it all up. Toss in some nuts like almonds or cashews, raisins, and a bit of honey for a sweet morning porridge.

Measure out your rice and water. Cut a block of momen (firm) tofu into bite-sized cubes and mix in. Add either a tablespoon of powdered curry or one block of curry roux. Cook on normal setting. When it’s done, mix it all up. Tofu curry rice! Your tofu will be nice and spongy, and the bits that touched the pot will be delicious and browned.
