

In America, souvenirs are meant for the person who has traveled (except for perhaps your family) and with the price of vacations these days that seems pretty fair to me.  However, in Japan souvenirs seem to be mainly for the people around you, family, friends, co-workers and the list goes on.  It’s a nice thought but unfortunately I’ve seen more often than not people ask for souvenirs before even asking about the trip!  Sometimes I wonder if those people even wonder where their acquaintances went!   In Japan, shopping for these souvenirs is made pretty simple with a variety of packaged edibles (most Japanese souvenirs seems to be food) but returning to America I found it quite difficult.  What do I bring back?  A big bag of Cheetos?  They do have boxes of chocolates at the airport with “America” written across the top along with pictures of the American Flag, Mt. Rushmore and eagles.  Really?  This is America?  Saying all this, I’m still relatively a newbie at what is appropriate and who I definitely need to buy for but I must admit, I have become quite the good at receiving!  Living in a guest house allows for many little treats from many different places.  I wonder what’s next?!

Happy Holidays!

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing holiday with their family and friends.  I went back to America with my boyfriend.  Yes, he got to experience his first American Christmas (do I dare say “and hopefully not his last!”).  While buying presents for preparation for the big day, I’m sure my boyfriend saw the typical American Christmas as an excessive spending spree and lacking any little children in our family, it probably was a bit excessive.  However, Christmas is the one time we are all together all year and able to enjoy each others’ company.  Sure, we can do this without the presents but truthfully it’s not the items contained in those boxes that really matters.  It’s all sitting together watching each other open silly presents, serious presents, needed presents, touching presents and doing this all sitting by the fireplace as we try things on, test things, play things, study things or admire things.  Truthfully, I could give all my presents away the next day and still look forward to Christmas just as much.  I hope that’s what my boyfriend took from the experience.

Saying that…. stay tuned for my next post where I tell you one of the best presents I got this year.