
Saturday Brunch at Machida Garden

There’s something magical about cooking food that people enjoy.

I have never been a cook. I tried being a cook in my college and early adult days, but after many failed attempts, like setting the toaster oven on fire, making furry spaghetti and almost slicing my left thumb off, I just gave up and resigned to frozen dinners, Subway and pizza.

Upon moving to Japan, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my work schedule kept my mornings completely free so I started using my
free time to learn how to cook. CookingwithDog and RunnyRunny999 became my go to YouTube channels on Japanese cooking. I also searched
for recipes on I’ve learned how to make a mean miso soup and amazing french toast. After months of practicing, I felt
confident enough to invite some friends over to enjoy Kenkoku Kinenbi (National Foundation Day) together and merge my love of miso soup and
French toast.

Brunch menu:
First course: Miso soup, scrambled eggs and sushi
Second Course: Fruit salad
Palm Tree Fruit Salad

Third Course: French toast
My friends also brought wine, juice, soda and sweets.

It was delish! Good people. Good fun. Good times.
Alexis & T
Brunch Group
