
Hiroshima castle

During my trip in Hiroshima, I visited the Hiroshima castle.

Hiroshima castle

As most Japanese castles, it’s not the original building but a reconstitution as it was destroyed by the A-bomb in 1945.

The inside of what is also called the Carp Castle (rijô 鯉城) has been amenaged  as a museum about the history of Hiroshima. There, we learn that the castle was built in 1589 by Môri Terumoto 毛利輝元 who was one of Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s council of Five Elders. In 1600, being on the defeated side at the Sekigahara battle, Môri was forced to leave the castle and to retreat to Hagi (Yamaguchi prefecture). Fukushima Masanori 福島正則 became then the new lord of the castle until 1619. He was then replaced by Asano Nagaakira 浅野長晟.

The museum also explains the different types of Japanese castles and the social organization during the Edo period. It’s probably not the most interesting attraction in Hiroshima, but it’s worth seeing.