

Okay, so I said not much has been happening here but it seems that Oakhouse has decided to put some money and effort into little ol’ Nishitokyo!  Much to my pleasure, after the theater room was complete our manager started working on another little project.

Off of the lounge there is one more room that up until this point could best be described as the junk room.  It is very small so it can’t be another bedroom so it seems like people would just throw anything in there.  But recently our manager cleaned it out and set up some shelves and some box drawers.  So it seems like it is going to be made into a… pantry for all the guests!  Yay!

Of course we can’t keep all our goods there.  The boxes aren’t huge and we can’t store stuff that will attract what we all like to call the “initial G” (aka cockroaches).  However we can store things like spices and condiments.  I can’t tell you how many times I have forgotten salt or sugar or some other little thing and have had to run back and forth, back and forth.  So I’m excited.

Recently there hasn’t been much progress in the room but I do hope that it will continue and be completed soon.  And next I wouldn’t mind having some shelves for outside the showers!  All this will really help open up space in our own rooms which after two years of living here is starting to dwindle….
