
Weigh In

Ladies, when you come to Japan be prepared.  I’m not talking about bringing your own toothpaste, deodorant and feminine products (although I recommend that as well) but I’m talking about emotionally. Not only is this the country of tiny people and subsequently tiny clothes, but it’s also the country where they freely tell you about your own weight. I’ve had numerous people say to me I should lose weight or comment that I have gained weight (even if it was only 1 kg or about 2.5 pounds- I don’t even notice it then!). At times, I could wring their necks seeing as though I am probably at one of my lowest weights since college but most the time I can take it with a grain of salt.

They mean well, it’s just a different culture. The women here constantly think about their weight, like American women as well, but I think the fact that the likelihood of them actually becoming fat is slim (pun intended), makes it easier for them to freely throw around their opinions about themselves and about others.  It still rubs me the wrong way though so I try to avoid these types of conversations.  But don’t feel bad, if you feel depressed just remember… Your big bones can crush their tiny bones!
