The best deals on Hibarigaoka(Tokyo)Station living

A list of share houses and apartments in Tokyo, Hibarigaoka(Tokyo)Station. Also by rent market price, gender, age, and nationality. You can also look for women-only houses, rent price, vacancy information, room size, and other search options.


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Area information of Hibarigaoka(Tokyo)Station

Station overview

Hibarigaoka station is in Nishi-Tokyo city in Tokyo prefecture, and is on the Seibu Shinjuku line. It opened in 1924, and gained its current name in 1959, and saw expansion work in 1960, 1967, and 2003. Now, it has made efforts to become barrier-free, with elevators connecting ticket gates and platforms, as well as to the exits. There are accessible bathrooms as well. The station is served by local, express, commuter express, special express, and more lines. Average daily ridership is around 70,000.

Places to see

Hibarigaoka Parco is a shopping mall, from B2F to 5F, selling mostly fashion, but also a variety of goods, daily goods, cosmetics, and more. There are restaurants and clinics on the top floor, and in 2018 B1F was converted into a food space and supermarket. There are many brand shops that appeal to young people, and there is a Muji, 100-yen shop, and more.
Chikurin Park is a quiet, peaceful, meditative place. It is filled mostly with bamboo. We recommended walking along the suggested trail for a wonderful experience.


There are many places to shop near Hibarigaoka station, particularly Parco, where you can get pretty much everything you will need day to day. It is also a surprisingly safe neighborhood, with good access into the city, taking only 15 minutes to get to Ikebukuro without having to transfer, or to Shibuya, Shinjuku, or Tokyo in 30, making it good for travel for work, school, or leisure. It is served by many kinds of local and express service, making for a smooth travel experience. There are many supermarkets and grocery stores near the station, and just in 2018 a supermarket was built in Parco as well. There are places to eat and drink nearby too as well as drug stores and 100 yen shops, and the area is popular with single people and families alike.

Rent for Hibarigaoka(Tokyo)Station

Floor plan Rent Properties
Single Room 44,474

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