




Smart Member FAQ

1 Joining What is the lowest amount I can deposit, and how much to move up a level? The minimum amount of deposit is 100,000 yen. The membership level changes with each 100,000 yen.
2 Joining What is the upper limit I can deposit? Smart members can deposit up to 4,000,000 yen.
3 Joining Does this apply for all houses? This program does not apply to all houses.
There are some discounts that cannot be used alonside this discount, so please consult with your house manager for details.
4 Joining I will probably not stay for very long; can I still join? Sure! However, if you join too late you may not get the full benefits of the discount, so please be aware of this when joining.
5 Joining Since there is a limit on how much money you can withdraw from an ATM at one time, can I pay in installments? Yes, you can pay in installments. When appying, please choose the option for paying in installments and include details.
Please be aware that only the total amount that can be confirmed by the due date will be factored into the applicable discount.
Also, if the amount deposited is different from the amount listed in the application form, a separate application form for this amount of money is required.
6 Joining How can I join? By filling out a Smart Member application form and make a Smart deposit, you can become a Smart Member
However, this is limited only to residents of Oakhouse share houses.
7 Joining To which bank account should I deposit the money? After sending us the membership application form https://www.oakhouse.jp/eng/inquiry/common?type=smart , you will receive an automated email message with the bank account details.
If after sending the form you have not received the bank information in 24 hours, please contact your house manager or the Oakhouse management department (oak-shibuya@oakhouse.jp).
8 Joining Can people who are not on the contract join as well? Membership is only available to the person listed on the contract.
9 Joining Is there a deadline to join? If you have not moved in yet, we must be able to confirm the payment by the day before the date the contract begins.

If you are currently a resident, if we are able to confirm payment by the 20th day of the month, the discount will take effect from the 1st day of the next month.
*If the payment is not confirmed by this time, the discount will take effect from the 1st day of the month after the next month.
10 Joining Are there any limits when joining? You can join as long as your have signed a private contract with Oakhouse.
11 Joining I would like to change the amount of my deposit even though I have already applied to deposit a different amount. If you would like to change the amount of your deposit as listed on the application before you have made the transfer, please make a note regarding the change and make a new application with the correct amount.
12 Process Can someone else deposit the payment for me? The name of the person transferring the money must match that of the person on the contract. We do not accept transfers by third parties, nor will be refund a deposit to someone not listed on the contract.
13 Decreasing Can I get my deposit back whenever I want? After making an application to receive a refund of your deposit, you will receive the money back within 3 bank days. It is not possible to designate the exact date, so if you need your money back by a specific date please allow time in advance when applying.
14 Decreasing What is the process for decreasing my deposit amount or requesting a refund? Similar to the process when joining membership, please make an application.
Whe making the application, choose to apply to decrease your deposit, and input the amount of money you would like to be refunded.
As a word of caution, make sure not to write in the amount that will remain after you have your deposit decreased.
15 Decreasing I need my deposit back ASAP. Can I get my money back on a specific date? Once your refund application is received, you will receive the refund within 3 bank days, and unfortunately you will not be able to designate the date you receive the refund.
Please make an application with some leeway in advance.
16 Decreasing How does the discount work once I've decreased my deposit amount? The lowered discount rate takes effect the day after the portion of your deposit has been returned.
Ex.) Joined as Smart Membership B, 100,000 yen returned on the 20th
From 1st to 20th of the month: Plan B discount applies
From 21st to the end of the month: Plan A discount applies
17 Decreasing I've decided to move out; how do I get my deposit back? When moving out, present your deposit receipt to receive a refund for the entire amount.
When moving out, even if you have not made an explicit application, when your contract ends the deposit will be refunded within 3 bank days.

If you would like your deposit refunded to you before the end of your contract, please carry out the normal refund application procedure.
18 Discount How much is the discount after I've made my deposit? The discount will be factored into monthly rent (rent + condo fee).
After Smart Membership is confirmed and you receive your deposit slip within 3 bank days, you will receive an email regarding rent after the discount begins to take effect.
19 Discount When does the discount take effect? If you join Smart Membership before you sign the contract, the discount will take effect from the date the contract starts.
If you are already a resident, the discount will take effect from the 1st day of the following month after you join.
(Please check the rules for information regarding deadlines for deposit payment and discount starting dates.)
20 Discount Can I use this discount with other discount campaigns? For the most part, yes, but there are some campaigns that cannot be used with this discount. For more information, please ask your house manager.
When it is possible to use them together, as a general rule, campaign discounts (including PAO) will take precedence.
The total amount of applicable discounts may not exceed the total amount of rent due, and cannot be carried over to the next month.
21 Other I would like a receipt after I make my deposit. You will be issued a receipt for your deposit.

Once payment has been confirmed, you will receive an email with the receipt attached within 3 bank days.
22 Other Can I join or leave any time? Yes. However:
▷For decrease of deposit or leaving Membership, the refund will be issued within 3 bank days after application, and the lowered discount will apply from the day following your refund
▷If you rejoin after leaving or increase your deposit, the increased discount will take effect from the following month (to be determined by the day we receive the payment).
23 Other I have some more detailed questions. Who should I ask? Please contact your house manager, or the Oakhouse management department.
24 Other Can refunds be transferred to an overseas bank account? Refunds can only be made to an account in Japan.
25 Other Can I join the old Smart Membership? New applications for the current Smart Membership and Super Smart Membership programs (old Smart Members) will end on January 19th 2018.
26 Other I am a Smart Member as well as an old Smart Member; I am thinking of reducing my deposit amount. Which deposit will I be refunded from? Both New and old Smart Members will have their deposit refunded from the Smart Membership deposit.
Smart Membership and Deposit application
Click here to see the contract terms. Smart Membership Agreement
Questions FAQ

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