Randor Residence Tokyo Grand

Management company Satisfill Inc.

Smart Membership not available for this property.

Last updated 2022-10-12 13:58

The student discount Property's special feature No guarantor

Satisfill Inc.

House outline

Basic info

Shared facilities

  • Bathroom
  • Bath tub
  • Cable TV
  • Frying pan
  • Dishes
  • Pots

Additional Features

  • within 5 minutes to station

House photos

Room information


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Management company

    • Company name Satisfill Inc.



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Arakawa share houses

UguisudaniStation share houses

JR-KeihinTohoku line share houses

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Common Area/Environment





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Area information of Arakawa

Arakawa ward is in the north of Tokyo, extending west to east. It is bordered by the Sumida river to the north, and also borders Bunkyo, Taito, Sumida, Kita, and Adachi wards. It is mostly a flat plain with a higher plateau near Nippori. It gets its name from the river which runs through it, and the Arakawa river has been an important waterway. Arakawa became a ward on October 1st 1932 after the merger of several smaller towns and villages. Around 1945 it boasted the largest population in Tokyo. In the Meiji period, many factories were built here along the river, and now many apartment buildings have taken the place of the factories. In particular, the Minami-Senju area is thriving.

Area information of UguisudaniStation

Uguisudani is in Taito ward in Tokyo, on the JR Yamanote and Keihin Tohoku lines. It is a major station on both lines, and gives access to Shinagawa, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and other stations, so it is convenient for commutes. It opened in 1912, and has not seen much remodeling over the years. It has escalators and elevators. Those using wheelchairs and strollers are suggested to use the south exit for best access.
It is not an express stop, and no Keihin Tohoku line trains stop from 10 AM to 3 PM. It sees an average ridership of 25,000 people per day.

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