Answering your Share houses questions! Q&A

Oakhouse staff and actual residents answer questions and concerns about Share houses.
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answers your Share houses questions

Q. Dating another resident?

You meet a lot of different people living at a share house, and people may like each other...
Is it against the rules to date a house mate?

A. Of course, when you have single people living in proximity, it's only natural.

There was a TV show that was about finding love in a share house, but I think that's always been the case. At Oakhouse, there are some houses that are very encouraging of meeting people, or even finding someone to marry. There were lots of couples that got together at my share house.

Of course, you are free to find love wherever it appears, but I think more important is "how" that relationship fits within a share house. If you're always talking loudly or super lovey-dovey with too much PDA it can be a nuisance to other residents, and on the flipside it can be awkward to see a couple fighting (though to be honest sometimes that can be fun to watch, haha). To be honest, all the couples in my house were very considerate of the rest of us in the house, and it was never any issue for us.
Again, dating is more than OK, but people come to live in a share house for different reasons. They might be looking for a partner. They may want to have peace and quiet. People have their own lifestyles, but as long as everyone is considerate of each other I think it's rather easy to balance dating life and share house life. :)

Person who answers the questions


Gay writer. Born in 1982.
Moved to Tokyo from Tottori prefecture when he was 27, and has lived in various share houses (5 years of share house experience). He is an expert in share houses, beauty, and food, and is sensitive to emotions. Though many women with relationship troubles come to him for advice just after hearing he is gay, in actuality, he has not had a boyfriend for 13 years, so can be reticent when it comes to things he does not have experience in.

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