月別アーカイブ: 2010年7月

Summer is good!

Needed to go to Ikebukuro yesterday, and was lucky to catch some matsuri going at the East side.

This huge thing is actually carried by a human. And somehow they manage to dance while carrying O_O

If you look close enough – there’s a procession of the same thingies behind the farthest bus.


And here’s source of yesterday’s horror. Take a look at the size of 2 guys in the middle.
To make things “better”, they’re high-school students. This means they’re 16-17 or so.











Korean food






Summer Vacation!

My summer vacation starts on Aug.12 and ends on Aug.16. It is a very short time but, I still will enjoy it because you sometimes need a break form the kids and just relax. Maybe during that time I can catch some fireworks, maybe……..

Shimo Kitazawa!

Went with friends to play, and here’s what I’ve got:

This set of glasses was the first thing I’ve got <3 It has piglet not behaving because his mother went out and realising what's going to happen with him in the end.

New cover for sofa – I really need it, because it started to look ugly

Happy Bath Day! I finally found it 🙂 The best thing? It was with 20% discount :3 Considering that you won’t really find these products at other places, maybe people of Shimo-Kitazawa don’t like NewS that much 😉 It’s soap and body soap.

Next we hit Uniqlo where I got some clothes for autumn <3 I don't think you can really tell from the pic, but vest is brown.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, not really today but who cares. I’ve got these from UFO catchers.

2 Rirakkumas, 1 care bear (you can’t be serious saying that it’s GLOOMY because he’s OMG SO ADORABLE), aluminium bottle, again with Rirakkuma.

My favorite would be this pirate 🙂 This is special edition for Halloween.


Today was great! With the rain it was wasn’t hot and uncomfortable. I was happy to have a cool day after weeks of sweating. I think the next to days will be the same, so that’s great.




All the things cute <3

I had some free time today and decided to hit Kiddy Land in Harajuku.
This is what I ended up with 🙂

First we have my greatest love of all things cute. Capibara-san. This rat is still keeping my mind and takes a lot of coins in game centers ~_~

So, numbers are:
1 – seal packages. Inside are small stickers.
2 – magnet board! Magnets are on the list with number. Now I only need to find a place for it on the shelf…
3 – CUP! I WON A CUP! And it’s White-san! *dances* <– I think I need to be placed in mental ward here ~_~
4 – small fluffy mascot. Haven’t decided what I’ll do with it yet.

And on to other cute things ^^”’

What do we have here… From top left counter clock-wise.
Plastic file with Mamegoma – it has inner pockets, and I’m planning to use it instead of my K8 Maru one. It’s just too strange to get documents out of file with him at official places ~_~
3 packs of stickers – it’s winter season officially, and I need to make sure I’m prepared  (O.O) I have snowflakes, bears and glittery circles.
Next is eraser – see next pic for details 😉
And top right is letter set. Can you guess why I couldn’t miss it? 😉

Close-up of mamegoma eraser – it actually has small one in the shape of seal inside. So if you shake the main one – small one inside moves.







