
One Month in Japan!

Yesterday I celebrated being in Japan for one month by heading to Tokyo for the day! Living in Kawabecho means one short train ride to Yokohama Station and then catching one of the JR lines to Tokyo. It took only around 40 minutes to get to Ueno Station which flies by when you’re listening to music and peering out the train window. Moving into Flora Yokohama Hoshikawa, I thought it would be such a hassle to get to Tokyo but it is actually very simple! Closer than what you think!


When I arrived, I walked around Ueno Park and checked out a special event which was being held for the Olympics. The enticing sound of drums and cheering lead me to where the event was being held and after free entry, I got to watch Brazilian dancers making their way through the crowds to the sounds of drums. The atmosphere was unreal!

Being an incredibly hot day, I decided it was a perfect time to check out the ‘Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou: Timeline 1906-1977’ exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum! With pieces from well-known artists like Picasso and Matisse, it was well worth the entry fee. I have never been so in love with an art exhibition.


After that I went in to Ikebukuro to have a stroll around Sunshine City since I had never been before. I was so amazed at how big and beautiful the entertainment precinct is. I walked around the shops, watched the water display, sipped on fresh strawberry milk and enjoyed the atmosphere of a busy Saturday.

Being a book lover, I had also heard how amazing Junkudo Bookstore was so I had to go and have a look. After taking the elevator to the 9th floor, I discovered the foreign books section and spent around an hour admiring all that was on offer. Their variety of English Young Adult, General Fiction and Japanese Literature books was overwhelming. If you love reading, please check out this fantastic bookstore located near Ikebukuro Station!


I was exhausted after fitting all of that into one afternoon so I headed back to the share house after visiting the bookstore. Nearly falling asleep on the last train, I was surprised to hear my name called, especially after not knowing many people in Japan yet. I turned around and it was one of my share house mates! It made my day getting to randomly catch up with someone and walk home together. You never know who you’re going to bump into on a peak hour train! After having a nice hot shower, I retreated to my single room and relaxed. It is so quiet here that you won’t be disturbed when wanting to rest. So far I love living at Flora Yokohama Hoshikawa!

Check out my blogs to see more of what I’ve been up to:



Interested in the share house I live at? Check it out: https://www.oakhouse.jp/eng/house/kanagawa/yokohama/flora-hoshikawa